a. Automobile approximately $5000
b. Health insurance $1527 per year
c. Telephone ($150/200 month)
d. Monthly living expenses ($600 /month)
a. Safety and God’s protection.
b. Transportation
c. Easy and frequent internet access and telephone
(my source of communication with all of you. (Compatible systems
that are adequate and economical).
d. Blending with and learning a very different culture
and still “be myself”.
e. Patience and understanding the differences in
each others cultures.
f. Learning the Romanian language (to learn it quickly
and with joy).
g. Someone(s) willing and eager to have patience
teaching me the language!
h. Deep relationships, communication and understanding
of each other as we work together. = unity.
i. Comfortable and warm home.
j. Energy and Health and free of sickness and disease.